Tired of Funding Your Landlord's Dreams?


Join the CashFLOW Accelerator 8 week program and I'll help you...

  • confidently create a multi-family business plan so you have a home buying and tenant strategy aligned with your long-term financial goals
  • master the art of identifying value add opportunities so you can identify multi-family deals that most new home buyers can't
  • simplify rental income strategies so you can evaluate options to maximize cashflow opportunities as a home owner and landlord with ease.
  • Understand mortgage lending fundamentals so you can present yourself as a qualified borrower so mortgage lenders are excited to give you their money.
  • And so much more!

Hit the play button above to get started!

Hi, I'm Nobu.

I have owned my three-family house for over a decade

My mission is to empower ambitious single women to take control of their financial future and create the life they’ve always dreamed of without relying on their boss.

That’s why I created CashFLOW Accelerator for Single Income First Time Homebuyers.

I bought my first house, a three-family multi-family, when I was 28 years old, living in New York City, and my salary was just $48,000 a year.

9 years after that, I was able to quit my six-figure corporate job where I was overworked, undervalued, and underpaid.

Without the income from my multi-family house, I wouldn't have had the flexibility to walk away from that job.

Creating CashFLOW has changed the lives of the ambitious women I have worked with.

It has given them the confidence and knowledge they need to take control of their financial future and create the life they’ve always dreamed of.

It’s been an incredible journey, and I am excited to continue to share the CashFLOW method and group coaching to help more single professionals like you achieve the financial freedom you deserve.